Purpose Statement:
The purpose of the Music Ministry at Cooper BC is to
        1) Worship and praise our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ;
        2) Encourage believers to grow in their faith; and
        3) to share the good news of Jesus Christ through music to a lost world.
The Music Ministry of Cooper BC is a broad, multi-faceted ministry. It
consists of congregational singing, the Worship Choir, Praise Team,
Children's Choirs and Handbells, Soloists, and various other vocal
and instrumental groups. Our desire is to utilize as many people in as many ways
possible to "lift high the name of Christ" through the medium of music.

The Cooper BC Worship Choir
The Cooper BC Worship Choir exists for the purpose of ministry - giving glory and praise to our Lord Jesus Christ. The Cooper BC Worship Choir is a group of called "ministers" who lead in congregational worship through the gift of music. If you love the Lord and love to sing - we want you to be a part of this significant ministry team. The Choir meets on Wednesday nights from 7:00 - 8:00 pm in the Sanctuary. Nursery is provided and it is a great time of fellowship, worship and encouragement as well as rehearsal. The Worship Choir leads, along with the Praise Team, in our 11:00 a.m. Sunday morning services in the Sanctuary and in special programs and worship times throughout the year.

The Praise Team
The Praise Team leads, along with the Worship Choir, in our 11:00 a.m. services on Sunday mornings, and also in our 6:00 p.m. services on Sunday evenings. The Praise Team consists of talented and dedicated musicians who serve together with their vocal talents in leading worship. The Praise Team rehearses on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. and on Sunday evenings at 4:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary.

The Cooper Kids Music Ministry
It is our desire to instill in the coming generations an understanding of and a love for music and to train children to be life-long worshippers of our Lord. (And have fun in the process!) Graded choirs for ages 4 through 6th grade (as of 9/1/07) meet on Sunday evenings, 5:00-6:00 p.m. Music Makers (ages 4 & 5) meet in the Preschool building while Cooper Kids Music (1st grade-6th grade) meet in the Fellowship Hall.

Other Worship and Music Opportunities
       Vocal and Instrumental Solo and Group Ministry
       5th Sunday Sing and Share
If you feel led to sing or play a solo, or in a group, either on Sunday mornings, Sunday evenings or at 5th Sunday Sing and Share please bless us, and allow God to bless you with your talents.

The Audio-Visual Team
The A/V Team works with our sound and projection systems in all our services and special events to enhance our worship and communicate the message of truth. If you are "tech-savvy" or have a love for this area of ministry, please contact Bro. Henry Kunath.